



The New Edition of Warrior of the Silence

is now available online ...



click here for more information












We have received an Award


Last year, from out of nowhere, Tatterdemalion Blue
was nominated for a SME Scottish Enterprise Award,
and I am happy to say that this is what happened ...
a big thank you and congratulations to our authors and illustrators



New News



Exciting times ...


we are pleased to present 

Carolyn Sparey Fox's 

recent interview with the Stirling Observer ...

and to announce

that she will be taking part in the

Auchterarder Book Festival

Aytoun Hall

Saturday 4 November 11.15am - 12pm

as part of the

'Storytelling and activity session for under 7s'


Carolyn will be reading from her new book,

Leili and the Blue Balloon.

New Books


New formats of Warrior of the Silence

and The child and Silence coming soon ...



Carolyn Sparey Fox has three new books;

Leili and the Blue Balloon

Abdul'Baha's Little Brown Cat and Little Acorn. 





Angela Stewart Mair has a new adventure for Twinkle,

meeting some exciting new and old characters in:

Twinkle and the Amazing Sparkly Blue Boots.




Plus, Universal Evolution by Mark Callaghan

is now available in paperback.





A new revised edition of Eric Walker's

A Doctor's Reflections on Change now available ...





Seeking New Projects


We are seeking new projects - it may be the time to shine ...





When you see someone putting on his Big Boots

you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen ...


(A A Milne - Winnie the Pooh)



May the New Year be all you wish for ...







the days, the weeks, the months
the years it seems
have been blown upon the breeze
and here we stand as one
upon the cusp of the new day dawning
like a mountain majesty
like a beacon of love
luminous in the light of our becoming
all that we can possibly be

may the new year be all you wish for ...

Exploring digital marketing - first steps



click here or on the image above to view the video ...






Digital Marketing Intern ...




we are very pleased to announce that Aditya Chourasiya

has joined Tatterdemalion Blue as A Digital Marketing Intern
and very much look forward to working with him upon our journey -


he is already making waves





Reflecting on the journey ...




We are happy to announce - Mr Tilly's Bake it yourself Book 

is now available online ...



Click here for more details ...


Author Noreen Leighton ...


sadly, Noreen Leighton,

the author of the Mr Tilly books has passed away - 
she was such a beautiful, generous, talented, bright shining soul,

it was a pleasure just being in her presence,
she will be greatly missed ...




.. tatterdemalion ...

Word of the Day - April 19 2017





The journey inspires ...

the beauty of the imagination

Happy World Book Day




The words and lights flowed ...


at the launch of The chid and Silence


Photo by Yana Swanson





The child and Silence New Edition coming soon ...


we are pleased to announce the book is online

click here for more details



The book takes centre stage ...


Photo by Yana Swanson 




Sharing the dream ...


The child and Silence




A Doctor's Reflections on Change


we are pleased to welcome Eric Walker to Resonate & Blue

and to the release of his new book - A Doctor's Reflections on Change

The Natural World, Farming, Medicine, Travel and Global Health

now available online

click here for more information ...



A Question of Time 


we are pleased to welcome Carolyn Sparey Fox to Resonate & Blue
and to the release of her new book - A Question of Time 
a biography of her parents
reflecting upon their life and the times in which they lived

now available online
click here for more information ...



Angel Dust ... a sprinklng of magic


we are pleased to welcome Cristina Mureşan
whose new book of poetry and short stories is available online -
click here for more information ...



Mr Tilly and the Faerie Stone is now available online ...


we are pleased to announce the arrival of the new Mr Tilly book

click here for more details



Hamish - His Story


Resonate & Blue's first book, Hamish - His Story by Angela & Craig Mair

is now available online, click here for more details ...



Resonate & Blue


together with Team Resonate (Alloa)

we are pleased to announce our new imprint ...


the future is bright



A New Star is shining


we are happy to welcome Angela Mair and Jeremy Wyatt

the author and illustrator of the new book -


Twinkle and the Big Whoosh!!!


look to the skies ...

now available from Amazon
click here for more information




The child and Silence ... the narration





Brendan Coyle in the Another Tongue Studio
narrating The child and Silence



A special moment ... Brendan Coyle
with composer Stuart Sweeney (Oomff)
and sound engineer Ben (Another Tongue)



A Covent Garden stroll with Brendan and Joy
a special day with special friends ...


The Tales of Mr Tilly 




Lorna and Noreen
and the Tales of Mr Tilly


Noreen and Lorna introducing the Tales of Mr Tilly
to the school children at the Ben Cleuch Centre

World Book Day

New Beginnings 



Brendan Coyle reads Angel Star 



Available from Amazon - iTunes - Google Play ... 



Book launch in Tilly Tearoom - Tillicoultry


Noreen and Lorna in the Tilly Tearoom

A special time in a special place with special people
Tilly Tearoom - the inspirational home of Mr Tilly ...

The adventure is beginning ...


Introducing The Tales of Mr Tilly


A warm welcome to author, Noreen Leighton and illustrator, Lorna Wilson.

Somewhere in a Scottish tearoom two friends met each week for tea, cakes and friendship.

Lorna the small bubbly one liked to draw and her friend Noreen the tall theatrical one liked to write. 

Together the two friends invented a world, a village populated by people and animals

with a pug dog as the central character.

Their combined imaginations created the Tales of Mr Tilly. Mr Tilly who has known
a difficult start in life is full of gratitude. And just like his creators is on a mission to
give something back and make a difference.

He is Mr Tilly the dog who makes things better ...


Warrior of the Silence is now available for purchase online ...


click here for more information





Angel Star is now available for purchase online ...


click here for more information



Angel Star: written by John King - illustrated by Emma Turley




A single step ...


The good news is that we are about to make that first step into the unknown ...

... a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ... (Lao Tzu)



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© Tatterdemalion Blue 2024